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Executive List
1. Carey Flaherty
2. Carey Fox
(VP, General Counsel)
3. Carey Hall
4. Carey Monaghan
(VP - Sales, Marketing)
5. Carey Gagnon
(Assoc. Attorney)
6. Carey Von Gal
(Attorney Assoc.)
7. Cari Dominguez
(Board Dir.)
8. Cari Filbrandt
(Principle Consultant)
9. Cari Irwin
(Creative Dir.)
10. Carianne Torrissi
(Assoc. Attorney)
11. Carin Stutz
(Exec. VP - Operations)
12. Carin Barth
(Board Dir.)
13. Carin Knickel
(VP - Human Resources)
14. Carina Bolin
(Board Dir.)
15. Carina De La Torre
16. Carina Leeson
17. Carl Anderson
18. Carl Arlotta
(Training Assoc.)
19. Carl Baldini
(VP - Hardware, ASIC Development)
20. Carl Bass
(Board Dir., Pres., CEO)

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