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Executive List
1. Jody Ward
(Assoc. Attorney)
2. Jody Miller
(Board Dir.)
3. Jody Feragen
(Dir., Sr. VP, CFO)
4. Jody Sitkoski
(Sr. VP)
5. Jody Goldman
6. Jody Keller
(Chief Exec. Partner, Vice Chmn.)
7. Jody Newman
(Managing Partner)
8. Joe Abrell
(Board Dir.)
9. Joe Abusamra
(VP - Operations)
10. Joe Allegra
(Board Dir.)
11. Joe Alvaro
(Dir., Sec., Treasurer, Principal Accounting Officer)
12. Joe Archer
(Staff - Smoking Food)
13. Joe Arington
(Founder, Chmn.)
14. Joe Armstrong
15. Joe Ashbrook
(Project Leader, Lead Technical Engineer)
16. Joe Bacho
(Sr. VP - North America Business Unit)
17. Joe Baguley
(Windows Management Expert)
18. Joe Bailey
19. Joe Baird
(Principal Consultant)
20. Joe Barclay
(VP, Procurement)

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