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Profile of Randy Gunn

Randy Gunn

Principal - Summit Blue Consulting LLC
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Company Name : Summit Blue Consulting LLC
Company Website : www.summitblue.com
Company Address : 1722 14th St.
Ste. 230, Boulder, CO,
United States,
Randy Gunn Profile :
Principal - Summit Blue Consulting LLC
Randy Gunn Biography :

Randy Gunn has over 20 years of experience developing, evaluating and managing energy service programs, as well as conducting market studies to support energy service programs. Previously, he was manager of utility consulting for Sieben Energy Associates and was an internal consultant for Northern States Power Company. Mr. Gunn's recent project experience includes: Market Assessment Studies: Managed several market assessment studies for Midwestern utilities. The most recent of these studies includes conducting energy audits and decision maker surveys for random samples of over 500 commercial, industrial, and institutional customers, as well as over 500 audits for residential customers. This data will be used to calculate the current saturations of energy efficiency measures (EEMs), determine the primary remaining barriers to further EEM installations, and to calculate the DSM potential for integrated resource planning purposes. Demand Response Market Study: Managed an extensive market survey of Midwestern investor-owned utilities' demand response programs, as well as a sampling of utilities throughout the country. The focus of the effort was on newer buy-back type programs, in which utilities offer customers market-based price incentives for reducing their loads at peak times. Direct Load Control Program Development: Developed a residential and small commercial direct load control program for a Midwestern utility. The program offers customers participation incentives in terms of building controls and automation instead of more expensive annual rate discounts. Program Design: Developed a program to promote energy efficient lighting systems for an innovative Midwestern energy services organization. The project involved designing program incentives, administrative procedures and requirements, as well as a marketing strategy and plan. Also developed a program to promote energy efficient lighting systems to schools in a Midwestern state for an innovative new energy foundation. The project involved conducting a market study for similar programs in other Midwestern states and preparing recommendations for loan incentives, as well as program procedures and requirements. Process Evaluations: Managed a limited scope process evaluation for a Southwestern utility's DSM bidding program. This evaluation investigated the causes of the program's low goal achievement, net-to-gross ratio factors such as free ridership, customer and bidder satisfaction with the program and suggestions for improving future versions of the program. Also led a trade ally process evaluation for a Northeast utility's small business energy service program. The project resulted in several recommendations to improve strained relations with the trade ally. Impact Evaluation: Managed an impact evaluation for an Iowa utility's commercial and industrial HVAC program. This project employed a building simulation model to refine the gross savings estimates for ground source heat pumps. The project resulted in this measure passing cost benefit economic analyses that had previously been negative. Benchmarking: Managed a broad-based energy services benchmarking project. Work for this project involved comparing program impacts and costs for a wide variety of energy services programs for 10 utilities. Best practices were identified from the top performing programs. Mr. Gunn is a frequent speaker at energy services conferences. He earned an M.S. in Planning from the University of Minnesota and a B.A. in Physics from Carleton College.

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