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Profile of Mike Goudreau

Mike Goudreau

Office Dir., Columbia, MD, Engineer - Environmental Business Solutions
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Company Name : Environmental Business Solutions
Company Website : www.ebsenvironmental.com
Company Address : 3900 Kilroy Airport Way
Ste. 100, Long Beach, CA,
United States,
Mike Goudreau Profile :
Office Dir., Columbia, MD, Engineer - Environmental Business Solutions
Mike Goudreau Biography :


B.S. - University of Maryland, Agricultural Engineering/Soil/Water Conservation, 1985


Professional Engineer, Maryland 1990 (17650)


Alpha Epsilon (Agricultural Engineering Honor Society Alumnus)


Mr. Goudreau has been employed by SCS Engineers since 1997, and serves as a project manager and project engineer on solid waste and environmental remediation projects including municipal, rubble and industrial waste landfills, landfill closures, solid waste transfer stations, and public convenience/recycling centers. Project responsibilities have included multi-disciplined project management for site investigation and remediation, facility design, preparation of plans, studies, reports, specifications, contract documents, quantity and cost estimates, regulatory permit applications, shop drawing reviews, sampling and remediation work plans, and reports required for environmental and landfill permitting. Design expertise has included stormwater management and conveyance, grading, erosion and sediment control, landfill cell layout, fill sequencing, leachate management systems, and landfill closure. Examples of his project experience include:

Solid Waste Management Engineering

Northeast Maryland Waste Disposal Authority:

Alpha Ridge Landfill Citizens’ Drop-off Facility - Technical review/design of expansion of the citizens’ drop-off area for Howard County, Maryland. Tasks include technical review and preparation of plans, as well as obtaining regulatory approval.

Alpha Ridge Landfill Stormwater Pond Upgrades - Design of pond retrofit upgrades for Howard County, Maryland. Tasks include project management; preparation of plans, specifications and cost estimates, as well as obtaining regulatory approval.

Waste Transfer Feasibility Study - Feasibility study for a waste transfer station for Howard County, Maryland. Tasks included project management; determining range of waste tonnage and vehicle types as a basis for sizing the transfer station; evaluating impact on remaining life of existing lined landfill cell; developing preliminary designs for the transfer facility; identifying equipment and staffing requirements; and preparing cost analyses.

Frederick County MD:

Landfill & Recycling Center Transfer Station Design and Permitting - Responsible for environmental permitting, sitework, stormwater management and sediment control design for development of a new transfer station. The project includes preparation of plans, specifications and cost estimates, as well as obtaining regulatory approval.

Landfill & Recycling Center Rubblefill Cap and Cell 3 Design - Project management and design for capping a closed 17-acre rubblefill, and development of a new 12-acre landfill cell for the municipal solid waste landfill. The project includes preparation of grading, erosion/sediment control plans, leachate collection/removal system plans, specifications and cost estimates, as well as obtaining regulatory approval.

Landfill & Recycling Center Site B, Cell 2 Design - Project management and design of two 14-acre landfill cells for a municipal solid waste landfill. The project included preparation of grading, erosion/sediment control plans, leachate collection/removal system plans, specifications and cost estimates, as well as obtaining regulatory approval of permit document modifications including a vertical expansion.

Industrial Waste Landfill, Eastalco Aluminum Company - Designed grading, stormwater management, and sediment control for a double-lined industrial waste landfill. Designed permanent pond for sediment control and Stormwater quality management. Analyzed surface water hydrology to evaluate landfill's potential effect on peak runoff discharge quantities. Prepared plans, reports, cost estimates, and specifications.

Sanitary Landfill Expansion - Design of grading, drainage, and sediment controls for a vertical expansion of an existing municipal sanitary landfill. Supervised entry-level engineers in design tasks.

Reichs Ford Sanitary Landfill Closure Design - Closure design and construction phase services for 73 acres of municipal solid waste landfill. The design includes an active landfill gas collection and control facility, and measures to provide continued access across the existing landfill to the adjacent new landfill cell during closure activities.

Rubble Landfill - Supervised entry-level engineers in design of haul road, final grading, stormwater management and sediment control.

Prince William County Landfill Expansion, VA, Phase I, Parts 3 & 4 Lined Cells - Design of two 9-acre landfill cells for a municipal solid waste landfill. The project included preparation of grading, erosion/sediment control plans, leachate collection/removal system plans, specifications and cost estimates.

Shenandoah County Landfill, VA - Project manager and designer of two new landfill cells for a municipal solid waste landfill. The projects include preparation of grading, erosion and sediment control plans, leachate collection and removal system plans, specifications, quantity and cost estimates.

Washington D.C. Transfer Stations - Responsible for sitework, stormwater management and sediment control design for expansions to two transfer stations. The project includes preparation of plans, specifications and cost estimates, as well as obtaining regulatory approval.

Frederick County Regional Landfill, VA - Project manager and designer of new landfill cells for construction/demolition debris and municipal solid waste landfills. Projects include preparation of grading, erosion/sediment control plans, leachate collection/removal system plans, specifications and cost estimates, as well as obtaining regulatory approval of permit amendments for an alternative bottom liner, and vertical expansion. Provided site evaluation and conceptual designs of citizen convenience center, as well as preparation of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention (SWPP) Plan and Spill Prevention Containment and Control (SPCC) Plan for the landfill facility.


Hiriya Landfill Restoration - Engineering related to alternatives for restoration of the existing closed landfill which will become part of a regional park. Design of stormwater conveyance systems for the four alternatives. Design of interim storm drainage system for the current conditions. The project includes preparation of reports, plans, specifications and material lists.

Effe Landfill - Evaluated cell configurations and phasing for a new municipal solid waste landfill. Design of grading, liner and leachate collection system for the first landfill cell, and perimeter roads and drainage. The project includes preparation of plans, specifications and material lists.

Fairfax County, VA, I-95 Sanitary Landfill - Project Manager for design of operational filling plans for an existing ash landfill.

Washington County, MD, Forty West Sanitary Landfill - Project tasks were the preparation of landfill and wetland permit documents including plans, specifications, and report for a 190-acre municipal landfill, and construction documents for the initial landfill cell and supporting facilities. Unique aspects of the design include an alternate liner system and use of pipe gutters and diversion berms for stormwater runoff control. Design includes stormwater quality management utilizing retention ponds.

White Marsh, MD, Days Cove Road Landfill, Enviro-Gro Technologies - Prepared plans, specifications, and reports for permitting and construction of a rubble landfill. Performed and managed ongoing topographic and construction stakeout surveying. Performed volume studies to evaluate adjacent property for potential lateral landfill expansion. Provided permitting assistance for landfill and surface mining activities.

Prince George's County, MD:

Brandywine Special Exception Support - Prepared conceptual base grading plans and leachate management plans to prepare for public hearings held in order to obtain zoning approval for a proposed construction and demolition debris landfill.

Brown Station Road Sanitary Landfill - Managed design and permitting for grading, stormwater management, wetland/waterway alterations and sediment control for stockpile areas associated with the landfill. Performed technical and cost evaluation of landfill closure cap alternatives. Performed quality control review of landfill closure plans, and erosion and sediment control plans for new landfill cells.

Delaware Solid Waste Authority, Sandtown Sanitary Landfill, Area C - Designed leachate collection systems, subgrade and final grading plans, haul roads, and site drainage. Designed double-lined landfill test cells to evaluate liner materials and also designed runoff flow monitoring system. Reviewed construction shop drawings.

Harford County, MD, Abingdon Landfill Closure - Evaluated existing cover for use as landfill cap barrier layer and delineated waste limits. Managed surveying and wetland delineation sub-consultants. Prepared grading plans for improving existing landfill cover thickness and drainage.

Howard County, MD:

Alpha Ridge Landfill, Leakage Monitoring Program and Response Action Plan - Prepared a leakage monitoring program and response action plan for a 30-acre, double-lined sanitary landfill.

Alpha Ridge Landfill, Unlined Cell Closure - Managed the preparation of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan to comply with the General Discharge Permit for Industrial Activities. Prepared red-line erosion and sediment control plans to accommodate field changes during construction phase

New Cut Landfill Closure Improvements - Project management, design and permitting of grading, drainage improvements, wetland/waterway alterations, sediment control and stormwater management for a 40-acre, closed municipal Landfill, including addressing compliance with the NPDES Surface Water Discharge Permit and preparation of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. Design included stormwater quality management measures such as a bio-retention area, and swales designed to filter stormwater runoff.

Hanover, PA, Keystone Sanitation Landfill - Design and preparation of contract documents for closure of a former sanitary landfill. Design tasks included grading, sediment control measures, cap, and passive landfill gas collection and control system.

Worcester County State Commissioners, MD, Snow Hill Sanitary Landfill - Prepared a report summarizing landfill closure options and preliminary design.

USAF, Anderson AFB Draft Environmental Impact Statement - Prepared conceptual design of geogrid reinforcement of a landfill closure cap, to address concerns about differential settlement of cap foundation. Calculated leachate generation rates using Hydrologic Evaluation of Landfill Performances (HELP) computer model.

ERCO Properties Tree Farm Culvert Crossing - Designed a culvert for a private road crossing of Burch Branch, for a biosolids land applications site. Prepared floodplain study and permit application for wetland/waterway construction. Prepared plans, cost estimates and grading permit application.

USACE Baltimore District, MD, Fort Detrick Sanitary Landfill - Provided engineering, surveying, shop drawing review, and permitting assistance for design of a lined sanitary landfill and closure cap of an existing landfill. Designed stormwater management ponds.

Calvert County, MD:

Prepared permit documents for expansion and closure of an existing sanitary landfill. Designed grading and sediment control plans.

Appeals Sanitary Landfill - Prepared Phase I and Phase II permit documents for submittal to the Maryland Department of the Environment.

Onandaga County, NY, Sanitary Landfill Site Search - Studied feasibility of 31 considered sites. Helped develop criteria matrix used to narrow down site choices.

Hazardous/Other Waste Management Engineering

Managed the remedial design and remediation activities for transformer sites with PCB containing soils and concrete. Designed remediation plans for PCB contaminated storm drains. Managed remedial designs for cleanup and upgrades related to small arms ranges at Air Force bases. Designed a closure cap for a PCB-contaminated site for a private client. Designed implementation plans for treatment and removal of 10,000 cubic yards of solvent-contaminated soil. Designed a double-lined explosive testing pad for a government client. Designed a decontamination waste system upgrade for a government testing facility building.

U.S. Navy, Northern Division:

Interim Removal Action at Site 3 Burn Pits - Designed implementation plans for removal, treatment, and disposal of 10,000 cy of solvent-contaminated soil and debris from former burn pits. Designed stormwater management pond and sediment control measures. Performed cost estimate and prepared design analysis report. Processed project specifications. Prepared permit applications for local sediment control approval and NPDES Surface Water Discharge permit.

Transformer Site Soil, Naval Station Brooklyn - Developed a remedial action work plan for sampling and remediation of PCB-containing soil and concrete at two active transformer substation and one former transformer substation. Coordinated site remediation tasks and sampling efforts during the remediation of the project.

Remediation of Sub-Basin E Storm Drains - Developed plans, specifications, reports, and cost estimates for removal of PCB-containing sediments from storm drains. Designed new storm drains to replace deteriorated portions of existing pipes. Performed review of contractor submittals, including shop drawing review.

NCBC, Davisville, RI, Allen Harbor Landfill - Provided project management and engineering design for a landfill closure, which included an impermeable barrier cap, coastal protection measures and wetlands enhancement. Prepared work plan for sub-surface geotechnical investigation of coastal revetment foundation and environmental sampling of sediments, and coordinated geotechnical and environmental sampling of sediments, cap design, plans, reports, specifications, and cost estimates.

NSPCC, Mechanicsburg, PA - Responsible for senior technical review of contract documents for sediment control measures for a lead ingot storage area. Also responsible for project management of construction phase services including shop drawing reviews.

NSPCC, Mechanicsburg, PA, PCB Soil Removal, Lot 22-C - Project task management for development of sampling plan and excavation plan for remediation of PCB-containing soil at a site adjacent to a former transformer storage area. Coordinated site remediation tasks and sampling efforts during the remediation phase of the project.

Edson Drive and Facility No. 22 - Designed implementation plans for removal and disposal of 125 cy of PCB-containing soil at two transformer sites. Prepared plans, reports, cost estimates, and specifications. Responsible for performing review of contractor submittals including shop drawing review.

Eglin Air Force Base, FL, U.S. Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence (AFCEE) Remediation of Former Transformer Site Soil - Developed a remedial action work plan for remediation and verification sampling of PCB-containing soil at a former transformer substation.

Air Combat Command, U.S. Air Force Small Arms Range Upgrades:

Langley Air Force Base, VA - Responsible for task management of conceptual design and cost estimates for upgrades to rifle and pistol ranges including recommendations for soil remediation and installation of total containment bullet traps and overhead range baffles.

MacDill Air Force Base, FL - Responsible for project management of conceptual design and cost estimates for upgrades to rifle and pistol ranges including recommendations for soil remediation and installation of total containment bullet traps and overhead range baffles.

USACE, Baltimore District, MD:

Aberdeen Proving Ground Interim Remedial Measures - Developed conceptual designs and cost estimates for interim remedial measures (IRM) to remove potential sources of contamination at several sites. Developed Field Sampling Plans for several IRM sites.

Havertown PCP Superfund Site - Responsible for civil engineering aspects of the design of storm drain remediation, ground water collection trench, extraction wells, and piping for a ground water treatment facility for a former wood-treating site.

Aberdeen Proving Ground Building E3724 - Designed new piping, pumps, and storage tanks for decontamination wash down water. Prepared plans, specifications, and reports. Responsible for performing review of contractor submittals, including shop drawing review.

Aberdeen Proving Ground Range 12A Test Pad - Designed double-lined test pad, piping, and underground storage tank (UST) for containment of liquids resulting from explosives testing.

Land Development

Served as a project engineer on residential and commercial land development projects. Responsibilities included design of roadways, storm drains, and grading; preparation of regulatory permit applications including those for wetlands, grading, and subdivision approval; quality control review of site plans, road plans, and storm drain plans. Design of pressure-dosed mound septic systems and primary contact with regulatory agencies and clients.

Curtis Bay, Baltimore, MD, Herring Pond Diffuser Installation Design, W.R. Grace - Responsible for civil design of effluent outfall pipe, diffuser, and overflow spillway from wastewater treatment pond.

Fairfax, VA, Realty Corporation Raven Ridge, S.A.D. - Designed roads, storm drains, stormwater management and site development plans for an 88-lot single-family subdivision. Processed wetlands permit application.

Edgewater, MD, Friendswood Development Company South River Colony - Designed site grading, storm drains, water lines, and sanitary sewers for a 120-acre Planned Unit Development, which included multi-family residential, office, and retail space. Prepared cost estimate and permit applications. Performed quality control for roads, storm drains, sewer, and water plans for commercial developments.

Underground Storage Tanks

USACE Baltimore District, U.S. Military Academy West Point, NY UST Upgrades - Responsible for senior technical review of engineering and economic cost analysis, and contract documents for upgrades to UST sites. Upgrades included removal and replacement of USTs and conversions of some facilities to natural gas use.

Other Experience

Surveying- Performed topographic surveying, boundary surveying, and construction stakeout surveying. Served as party chief on survey field crews for topographic and stakeout surveys.

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