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Profile of Jost Wendt

Jost Wendt

Sr. Technical Advisor - Reaction Engineering International
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Company Name : Reaction Engineering International
Company Website : www.reaction-eng.com
Company Address : 77 West 200 S
Ste. 210, Salt Lake City, UT,
United States,
Jost Wendt Profile :
Sr. Technical Advisor - Reaction Engineering International
Jost Wendt Biography :

Jost Wendt is internationally recognized for his wide-ranging research on reduction of emissions from combustion processes. His research within both academia and EPA laboratories, has led to reburning for NOx control, to mitigation of waste incinerator emissions through control of transient puffs and rogue droplets, to the management of fine particle and toxic metal emissions using sorbents, and to development of the new interdisciplinary environmental research field of Health Effects Engineering. Jost Wendt is also internationally recognized for his research leading to the reduction of nitrogen oxide, fine particle and toxic metal emissions from pulverized coal combustion. His pioneering work on reburning for NOx control has been implemented in many full-scale coal boilers, thus promoting the clean combustion of coal worldwide. Education Ph.D. Chemical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, 1968 M.S. Chemical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, 1966 B.Sc. First Class Honors in Chemical Engineering, University of Glasgow, Scotland, 1963 ExperienceSenior Technical Advisor, Reaction Engineering International, Salt Lake City, Utah (2005 - Present) Presidential Professor, University of Utah, Department of Chemical Engineering, Utah (2005 - Present) Head, Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, (1998 - 2005) Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ (1979 - 2005) Associate Professor (with Tenure), Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (1974-1979) Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, niversity of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (1972 - 1974) Research Engineer, Department of Chemical Engineering Shell Development Company, Emeryville Research Center, Emeryville, California (1968 - 1972) Professional Associations and Awards Lawrence K. Cecil Award, AIChE Environmental Division, November 2004. Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (2002) Eminent Visitor to the Co-operative Research Center on Coal and Sustainable Development, University of Newcastle and CSIRO, Australia (2002) National Academy of Sciences/National Academy of Engineering Senior Visiting Scientist at EPA, 1984-1986. Governor's Hazardous Waste Technical Advisory Committee, State of Arizona, 8/1/90 - 10/1/90 US Environmental Protection Agency Scientific and Technological Achievement Awards, 1988, 1993, and 1995. Invited Member, American Flame Research Committee, International Flame Research Foundation, Coalition for Responsible Waste Incineration. Member, Technical Advisory Board, Hazardous Waste Research Center, LSU, Baton Rouge, LA 1985-1988; North Eastern Hazardous Substance Research Center, MIT/NJIT/Tufts, 1989-. Invited Plenary Lecturer at Twenty-Fifth Symposium (International) on Combustion, The Combustion Institute, 1994. Keynote Lecturer at sixteen international meetings. Co-author of three patents. On editorial board of two journals.

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