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Profile of Joseph Feiten

Joseph Feiten

CFO - American Oil & Gas Inc.
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Company Name : American Oil & Gas Inc.
Company Website : www.americanoilandgasinc.com
Company Address : 1050 17th St.
Ste. 1850, Denver, CO,
United States,
Joseph Feiten Profile :
CFO - American Oil & Gas Inc.
Joseph Feiten Biography :

Joseph B. Feiten has served as CFO since June 29, 2006. Mr. Feiten was previously CFO for Denver based Tipperary Corporation from June 10, 2002 until its acquisition by Santos Ltd on October 28, 2005. From January 2000 to March 2002, Mr. Feiten served as president of a privately held company serving pediatricians. From July 1974 to June 2000, Mr. Feiten served as auditor, consultant and executive with Pricewaterhouse Coopers or its predecessor Coopers & Lybrand. Mr. Feiten was the National Director of C&L’s US energy program, was PWC’s energy and mining program global training leader and is co-author of Petroleum Accounting Principles, Procedures & Issues, the leading oil and gas reference and textbook. Mr. Feiten is a licensed CPA and a member of the AICPA, Colorado society of CPA’s, COPAS and Treasurers’ Club - Denver. Mr. Feiten graduated with a BSBA in accounting and an MBA from the University of Denver.

Joseph Feiten Colleagues :
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M. Minhas

Board Dir. Please login

Jon Whitney

Board Dir. Please login

Nick Demare

Board Dir. Please login

Kendell Tholstrom

VP - Oil, Gas Operations Please login

Bob Solomon

VP - Oil, Gas Economics Please login

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