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Profile of John Geibel

John Geibel

co - Founder - Cambria Corp.
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Company Name : Cambria Corp.
Company Website : www.cambria.com
Company Address : 326 Lancaster Ave.
, Ardmore, PA,
United States,
John Geibel Profile :
co - Founder - Cambria Corp.
John Geibel Biography :

John, co-founder of Cambria, is a biologist, programmer and statistician with over twenty years of computer experience. As a project leader for the State of California Department of Fish and Game, he has used his problem solving skills in research and data analysis. His work has included setting up large databases on mainframe computers, performing statistical analyses using BMDP and SAS, developing mathematical models of population dynamics, and designing sampling methodologies. John works primarily in C++ and Pascal, although he has also used a variety of microcomputer database languages. He has a B.S. in Zoology from the University of California at Davis and an MS in Statistics from Stanford. He has served as a member of the Scientific and Statistical Committee of the Pacific Fisheries Management Council.

John Geibel Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Romeo Acidera

Staff - Cambria Corporation Please login

Fred Aujero

Staff - Cambria Corporation Please login

Geof Baggett

Staff - Cambria Corporation Please login

Mark Baker

Staff - Cambria Corporation Please login

Yuliy Belitskiy

Staff - Cambria Corporation Please login

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