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Profile of Cesar Izuel

Cesar Izuel

Chmn. - Telefonica
Cesar Izuel Email :
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Company Name : Telefonica
Company Website : www.telefonica.com
Company Address : Gran Via, 28
planta 3, Madrid, ,
Cesar Izuel Profile :
Chmn. - Telefonica
Cesar Izuel Biography :

Mr Alierta holds a law degree from the University of Zaragoza and a MBA from Columbia University (New York). In July 2000 he became Executive Chairman of Telefónica, S.A. and is also member of the Board of Directors of O2 Plc. as well as the Company Altadis S.A. Mr. Alierta began his career in 1970 as general manager of the Capital Markets division at Banco Urquijo in Madrid where he remained until 1985. From June 1996 until July 2000, he was the Chairman of Tabacalera S.A. which after the merger with the French tobacco company, Seita, became Altadis, S.A.. Previously, he was the Chairman and founder of Beta Capital, which he combined with his post as Telefónica Chairman of the Spanish Financial Analysts’ Association from 1991. He has also been member of the Board of Directors of the Securities Markets of Madrid as well as member of the Board of Telefónica Internacional, Plus Ultra Compañía de Seguros y Reaseguros and Iberia. On January 1997, Mr. Alierta was appointed as a Director of Telefónica, S.A.

Cesar Izuel Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Jose alvarez –pallete

GM - Telefonica Latinoamerica Please login

Santiago Valbuena

CFO, GM - Finance, Corporate Development Please login

Calixto Perez

GM - Internal Audit Please login

Luis Perez

Technical General Sec. Please login

Julio Linares

Dir. Please login

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