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Profile of Arthur Amil

Arthur Amil

Plan Administrator - Menke Group
Arthur Amil Email :
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Company Name : Menke Group
Company Website : www.menke.com
Company Address : 255 California St.
10th Fl., San Francisco, CA,
United States,
Arthur Amil Profile :
Plan Administrator - Menke Group
Arthur Amil Biography :

Arthur T. Amil II has been working with BSI since 1999, initially as a trust accountant for ESOP and 401(k) clients of BSI. Currently, he is assigned as assistant to the General Manager handling PIMCO Executive Deferred Compensation Plan, a non-qualified plan. Prior to joining BSI, Arthur was the Operations and Accounting Manager for Del Monte Phil., Inc. For 5 years he was in charge of the Agrarian Reform Management, Investing and Accounting of Del Monte employee benefits. During this time he was exposed to various management and financial responsibilities including recordkeeping, financial statements preparation and analysis, budget preparation and evaluation, personnel streamlining strategies and retrenchment implementations. Art holds a B. S. Degree in Accountancy and a Masters Degree in Business Administration.

Arthur Amil Colleagues :
Name Title Email

John Menke

Pres., CEO Please login

Richard Rose

MD - Investment Banking Please login

Bruce Armstrong

Sr. VP Please login

Sherman Coultas

MD - Investment Banking Please login

Phillip Dedominicis

MD - Investment Banking Please login

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